Jathy Fong Interview – BEAUSKINMedical


Everything Starts From Beauty

Every time before I go pass the Cross Harbour Tunnel, I see a large billboard with simply a slogan on it. I am confused with what this company is selling for as there is only one slogan on the billboard: “The future is at your command.”, without a bunch of artistes or promotion message. It has aroused my interest, and I have google it for the answer – that is an aesthetic medical group.

Concept. It is what this aesthetic medicalcentre promote.

Coincidentally, I got a chance to interviewthe lady who is the founder and CEO of BEAUSKIN Medical. Alright, let’s see if there is any hidden agendas or secrets behind!Would the interview be so hard-sell as I amentrusted by the company?

Maybe not. Because the core value of BEAUSKIN Medical is “NO hard sell”.

When someone says he/she is in theaesthetic medical industry, people mayinstantly relate them to those fraudsabout how pretty salesladies from beautysalons ask single geeks to buy treatmentpackages. BEAUSKIN, which founded by Jathy Fong, is just like a breath of freshair, claiming “no hard sell”.

When someone says he/she is in theaesthetic medical industry, people mayinstantly relate them to those fraudsabout how pretty salesladies from beautysalons ask single geeks to buy treatmentpackages. BEAUSKIN, which founded byJathy Fong, is just like a breath of freshair, claiming “no hard sell”.

How can an aesthetic medical company maximize its benefits without sellingtreatment packages? The fact is, I worriedtoo much. “No hard sell” does not meanlack of direction. BEAUSKIN starts its firstcentre in 2014. Until now, it has branches in 5 different locations. “We are celebrating the 8th Anniversary this year.”The business is even expanding their branches and office during the COVID-19 pandemic. What Jathy has is ambition.Her action is of the same pace.

Looking at Jathy’s media interviews and BEAUSKIN’s promotion materials, she is alwaysappeared as a founder & CEO. This lady actually looks very young. Is the aesthetic medical centrereally managed by her, or she is only one of the investors?

I thought too much. Before BEAUSKIN officially opened as an aesthetic medical centre, what Jathy first started was a clinic—a clinic which cater to cold, flu and pediatric problems. That was in 2013, partnered with a doctor and a clinic was born.

During the first-half-year operation of the clinic, there are people come in every day asking if the clinic has any aesthetic medical treatments (all because of the decent decor). Jathy could not stand it and bought a Fotona laser device finally.She even went to the original manufacturer’s training. She actually has the official qualification to operate Fotona laser treatment for clients.

“680 million dollars for one device.” I had no doubt about this young lady’s financial
background from the very start. However, I am wrong again. “I was living in a sub-divided flat.When I was small, my family was poor. So I had been thinking ways to earn more money andimprove my quality of life.” How was the 680 million settled? “Installment plan.”

Being a CEO at 27, what didJathy do before that? Maybe in the same beauty industry? Again, I am wrong. “I was in public relations (PR) and marketing field. And I started two businesses before. They are also related to PR and marketing.” So it was third attempt starting a business atage 27? Is BEAUSKIN the most successful attempt? “There is no such thing called success! How do you define successful? There is always room to improve!” Like a boss, but also humble. It makes a beautiful contradicton.

“If I really have to tell why BEAUSKIN is running okay, I will say it is because I am getting older. I learnt to be persistent when doing things.”


Wanting to open a clinic at thefirst place and it turns out tobe an aesthetic medical group,it can be said to be a randomconsequence.However, actually, itcan be tracked.

“I cared so much about myappearance when I was young.When I was in Form 2 of secondaryschool, I already used Pritt gluestick to stick up my eyelidsto double-eyelids. I had beenwanting double-eyelids fromthat time onwards, so I wouldpay attention to things aboutcosmetic surgery. I rememberthere was a TV show of CableTV which invited many differentcosmetic surgeons. They invitedDoctor in one of theepisodes. He talked about howdouble-eyelids are created; howbone reduction is done: hittingbones with screwdrivers andhammers. After seeing that, I was
like entering a whole new world! Idon’t need bone reduction, but Iwant double-eyelids!”

Jathy was 18 years old by thattime. He searched Dr Lee on the internet and found hisphone number. Called, and thecall was picked up by Dr. Leehimself. “I asked how much fora double-eyelid surgery. He said$18,000. I thought that was tooexpensive for me!And I did not find him for surgeryfinally. I kept on stick, stick andstick for my double-eyelid and gotthe surgery done after I enteredthe aesthetic medical industry.But I really cared about myappearance a lot. I had been doingfacials,extraction,“traditionalextraction” , “revolutionaryextraction”, etc. There is onetime I had an intense pulsedlight treatment, the beauty saloncharged me $30,000. Later Idiscovered that the device itselfonly costed $30,000.”

She cares so much just because afew words by her old classmate.“I was in Form 2, 14 years old. Ihad a classmate who had doubleeyelids.She teased me, ‘why areyou single-eyelided?’ Without her,I may not be what I am today.”Despite of her single-eyelids, howdid she look like? “Not pretty atall! Acnes are full of my face! Andoily!”

Today’s Me

Still, today’s Jathy would have acnes on herface sometimes. She does not afraid to make itpublic. It is not realistic to be too perfect afterall. In a random morning when she discoversacnes on her face, she would ran back to thecompany and start a Facebook Live—a FacebookLive recording the whole process of doing lasertreatment. Last but not least, I asked for somebeauty tips from this beauty entrepreneur. Ofcourse, I would not keep them to myself. Thereare 6 points to note:
1. No smoking
2. No drinking
3. Adequate sleep
4. No junk Food
5. Drink more water
6. Exercise more

It is said that skin condition would have immediately improvement followingthe above 6 tips. All are costless tips. Why not give it a go? Find Jathy atBEAUSKIN Medical if you still cannot handle the problems.


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